Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Truisms (a)

  • a positive attitude means all the difference in the world
  • a relaxed man is not necessarily a better man
  • a sense of timing is the mark of genius
  • a sincere effort is all you can ask
  • a single event can have infinitely many interpretations
  • a solid home base builds a sense of self
  • a strong sense of duty imprisons you
  • absolute submission can be a form of freedom
  • abstraction is a type of decadence
  • abuse of power comes as no surprise
  • action causes more trouble than thought
  • alienation produces eccentrics or revolutionaries
  • all things are delicately interconnected
  • ambition is just as dangerous as complacency
  • ambivalence can ruin your life
  • an elite is inevitable
  • anger or hate can be a useful motivating force
  • animalism is perfectly healthy
  • any surplus is immoral
  • anything is a legitimate area of investigation
  • artificial desires are despoiling the earth
  • at times inactivity is preferable to mindless functioning
  • at times your unconsciousness is truer than your conscious mind
  • automation is deadly
  • awful punishment awaits really bad people

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