Thursday, December 14, 2006

Truisms (b-f)

  • bad intentions can yield good results
  • being alone with yourself is increasingly unpopular
  • being happy is more important than anything else
  • being judgmental is a sign of life
  • being sure of yourself means you're a fool
  • believing in rebirth is the same as admitting defeat
  • boredom makes you do crazy things
  • calm is more conductive to creativity than is anxiety
  • categorizing fear is calming
  • change is valuable when the oppressed become tyrants
  • chasing the new is dangerous to society
  • children are the most cruel of all
  • children are the hope of the future
  • class action is a nice idea with no substance
  • class structure is as artificial as plastic
  • confusing yourself is a way to stay honest
  • crime against property is relatively unimportant
  • decadence can be an end in itself
  • decency is a relative thing
  • dependence can be a meal ticket
  • description is more important than metaphor
  • deviants are sacrificed to increase group solidarity
  • disgust is the appropriate response to most situations
  • disorganization is a kind of anesthesia
  • don't place to much trust in experts
  • drama often obscures the real issues
  • dreaming while awake is a frightening contradiction
  • dying and coming back gives you considerable perspective
  • dying should be as easy as falling off a log
  • eating too much is criminal
  • elaboration is a form of pollution
  • emotional responses ar as valuable as intellectual responses
  • enjoy yourself because you can't change anything anyway
  • ensure that your life stays in flux
  • even your family can betray you
  • every achievement requires a sacrifice
  • everyone's work is equally important
  • everything that's interesting is new
  • exceptional people deserve special concessions
  • expiring for love is beautiful but stupid
  • expressing anger is necessary
  • extreme behavior has its basis in pathological psychology
  • extreme self-consciousness leads to perversion
  • faithfulness is a social not a biological law
  • fake or real indifference is a powerful personal weapon
  • fathers often use too much force
  • fear is the greatest incapacitator
  • freedom is a luxury not a necessity

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