Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Essential free software

All are free. And essential:

1 AVG Anti-Virus

Get the free version here
Why pay for anti-virus software when you can have this much-loved bug buster for free.

[read Web User's review]

2 Zone Alarm

Get the free version here
Stop cyber-criminals attacking your computer while you're online with this essential free firewall.

[read Web User's review]

3 Google Toolbar 2.0

Get the free version here
This latest version of the Google Toolbar offers easy searching, blocks pop-ups and makes it easy to fill in online forms.

[read Web User's review]

4 Trillian

Get the free version here
Access several instant messaging services with one handy tool. Essential for chat fans.

[read Web User's review]

5 HijackThis

Get the free version here
The most thorough way to get spyware off your PC - visit our HijackThis forum for details about how to use the tool and getting your log analysed.

6 Adobe Acrobat Reader

Get the free version here
The best software for reading PDF documents - especially useful for reading hardware and software manuals.

[read Web User's review]

7 Core FTP Lite
Get the free version here
You'll find this FTP program very welcome if you need to transfer files to your website with ease.

8 IrfanView

Get the free version here
A great image viewer that's quick to load and offers simple but effective image-editing functions.

[read Web User's review]

9 Spybot Search & Destroy
Get the free version here

Not quite as big as Ad-aware, but this spyware stopper recently won a Web User Gold Award.

[read Web User's review]

10 Pop-up Stopper
Get the free version here

If there was ever a program that deserves the over-used phrase, "does what it says on the tin".

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